Saturday, 18 September 2010


September sun warm and pleasant, no jumper required
The shade, cold, biting, season is turning

Sandals and shorts away until summer
Time to hunt out coats, jumpers and socks

Shops are full of scarves, hats and gloves
No sun cream or sunglasses on the shelves
No bikinis, flip flops or sun hats
Just cardigans, cold remedies and boots

Bird no longer sing as loudly in the misty morn
Soon the frost will come and the wind shall blow
Children breathe dragon breath on the way to school
Leaves are changing and falling

Farmers are harvesting while the sun shines
Roads are full of tractors loaded with hay
Essential feed for animals in the winter
When no grass can be seen

Coalman is busy delivering his sacks
Of black coal to thankful families
Worshipped like a Pre-Christmas Santa
Bringing the gift of heat and warmth

Soon we will huddle round the fire
Watching the flames dancing in the grate
Listening to the wood cracking in the hearth
Drinking mugs of hot chocolate curled up in a chair

 Winter will soon be upon us with her cold vengeance
Turning water into ice on paths and pavements
Sparking snow will cover the road stopping cars from travelling
Inside we are safe and warm, together in hibernation.

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